I have so many events I’ll be attending this year I don’t know when I’ll have time to sleep!
Next up on the schedule is Readers Take Denver at the Gaylord Rockies in Aurora, CO. There will be so many awesome authors there 😍😍 I’ll be sharing a table with one of my author beasties, AK Koonce, and only a paper airplane throw away from Lucy Smoke 😱😱
Unfortunately, my preorders are closed since it’s in like two weeks. But if you’re in the area or already planned on going be sure to pop by and see me, get some swag, a pic, and I’ll have some books at my table.
Want to see when I’m close to you? Check out my events page listing all the places I’ll be this year!
Other news
The last book of The Monsters You Know is coming soon and this time I’m doing something a little different.
I’m ending the series with a special edition hardback on Kickstarter! Well have a gorgeous hardback with a character art interior cover and a reversible dust jacket plus a map and all kinds of other goodies.
Of course, you’ll be able to get just the ebook or paperback of the books as well, but why stop there when you could get this beauty? 😱😱

Keep an eye on the Kickstarter to see all the goodies being added 😉