The Monsters You Know Series is complete!

Writing The Monsters You Know has been one of the hardest series I’ve ever written. That’s always the way when its something new and out of your comfort zone. With hose dark this one was I really wasn’t sure it would turn out any good. Thankfully, I was wrong.

Book 3, Queen of the Monsters, was the hardest of them all. The last we left off with Georgia she and Desmond had been taken by the ever sadist Callahan. Of course, that meant they had to go through some trials and tribulations. The problem was how far could I go? How far could I push before it was too much for me? For the reader? I admit I could have gone further but my own inability to go that far kept me from making this one too graphic.

I hope that this is one of many series I complete this year and then new things are to come! <3

You can grab Queen of the Monsters on my shop early as well as a BONUS extended spicy epilogue not available anywhere else!

If you haven’t started the series grab the whole series bundle for a discount (includes the extended spicy epilogue).

Queen of the Monsters Will be available on all other retailers mid August.

You can preorder your copy now:

Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Google | Apple