My story Hired by the Werewolves is now coming to Radish Fiction and Kindle Vella. If you read it in the anthology it was in you’ll want a reread because I’ll be adding chapters and male povs etc. So you don’t wanna miss out. 😏

Usually I’m not big on episodic stories but I figured this was a good way to make me get the story done in a timely manner.

Episodes 1 and 2 are now up and 3 is coming soon. I have it set to release every Thursday but I’ll release them earlier if I get done sooner.

There was nothing this shape-shifting witch loved more than money. So when three handsome werewolves come knocking at her club door, she barely hesitates before agreeing to help them. Pretending to be their sister would be easy, keeping her hands off them? Not so much.

The first three episodes are FREE, so be sure to check it out.

Start on Radish

Start on Kindle Vella