My first book of the year is now out there in the world!
This one is something I started working on a few years ago and just never got around to finishing it because of one thing or another. Then all of a sudden I got inspired to finish it and here it is!
My main goal of this book was to be a palate cleanser between series books. Also to be as smutty as possible and to make you laugh your ass off. XD

Ever since my grandma ate those kids, witches have had a bad reputation.
My plan?
1. Make a candy store
2. Provide curses for scorned women
3. Get yelled at by cursed prince
That last one I didn’t plan and now I had to run all over the candy forest to change the prince’s… ahem… back to normal.
Though I didn’t know what he was complaining about. Women love candy canes!

Reading this book now. So so funny!,
So glad you’re enjoying it! 🥰