So first off fun stuff.

Chasing Rabbits is free for a few days! Yay 🎉

April was a crap month for me. Unexpected sickness ran amok causing all sorts of havoc on my writing schedule.

Rapunzel Untamed preorder had to be cancelled and I still don’t have a definite release date. I had hoped to have it done this month but that didn’t happen because of other pressing works.


However this means next month, aka tomorrow, will be a month full of releases. With the potential of three releases in total!

I won’t tell to you which one’s but I will tell you they are all Reverse Harems. I know that’s a whole lots of guys in one month! 😘

May is also a busy month for me. I have a graduation I have to fly back to Iowa for and then I’m going to Boston Fantasy Fest near the end of the month.

I won’t be signing but feel free to chat me up. I love meeting readers and other authors!

Personal Wise

Most of you who follow me know I have a toddler. Her names Billie and she’s in the midst of her threenager years. The horror!

She drives me crazy but I love her anyways. And who couldn’t? Just look at that squishable face!

Also, my husband and I celebrated 6 years of marriage this past month. Yay for us!

We celebrated by doing one of those Paint Nite things. Where you drink alcohol and attempt to follow the instructors directions.

Have to say I think I’m a better writer than artist. Though, I was two drinks deep into it by time all was said and done.

So, that’s it for this month. Here’s hoping next month goes smoothly!